Our Patients Around the Globe


Sur­vey Results — Com­plete    Sur­vey Results — Summary

Oh No… He won’t go…

If your child strug­gles with enco­pre­sis (stool acci­dents), with­holds stool, or refus­es to use the toi­let, we can pro­vide pro­fes­sion­al and effec­tive con­sul­ta­tion by telephone.

Our pro­fes­sion­al con­sul­tants are cer­ti­fied. We spe­cial­ize in help­ing chil­dren who are unwill­ing or late to toi­let train, with­hold stool or have enco­pre­sis (soil­ing).

These are chil­dren for whom the usu­al meth­ods of toi­let train­ing have not worked.

The Encopresis Center can help if:

  • Your child has encopresis
  • Your child with­holds stool
  • Your child has pot­ty accidents
  • Your child had tum­my aches or bel­ly pain
  • Your child refus­es to sit on the toilet
  • Your child is in dia­pers or pull-ups past the age of 3 ½ years
  • Your child can­not enroll in school or camp until toi­let trained
  • Your child is not per­mit­ted in the swim­ming pool until toi­let trained